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Ultimate TikTok B2B Marketing Guide For 2022

If you don’t have a TikTok B2B marketing strategy, your business may be foregoing a major opportunity.


Without a doubt, video one of the most engaging avenues available in any online marketing strategy. Your customers just love watching videos, especially in their free time. This opens up opportunities to market to those same people when they’re at work. The king of video content is now TikTok as shown by these statistics:


  • The TikTok app has been installed on more than 3 billion devices
  • TikTok holds the crown as the internet’s most engaging social media app with users spending over ten minutes on average per session
  • TikTok is the most popular app amongst Gen Z users opening a whole new market
  • Additionally, the number of older adults on TikTok increased more than 500% in 2021
  • Many TikTok users reported they consume more video content on this platform than other apps such as YouTube and streaming, after downloading TikTok
  • Other social media giants such as Instagram are playing catchup with TikTok’s massive increases in popularity


Despite these dazzling TikTok usage statistics, many businesses in the B2B sphere don’t think that they should have a TikTok marketing strategy. However, the large numbers of active users on TikTok combined with the low number of businesses currently advertising on it make this the perfect time to consider getting on the wagon.


So, what exactly is this thing called TikTok?


In its essence, TikTok is a video-centred social media platform that has experienced a surge in users over the past few years. Beginning as a simple video dance platform targeted at teenagers and other young people, it has now grown to include video content by people of all ages.


Like other social media platforms, TikTok videos can include captions and hashtags. TikTok profiles are also able to have a link in a bio to lead their followers and viewers to other video content they have created.


For businesses, it’s very similar. Companies on TikTok also have the ability to create their own video content with audio and voiceovers. Alternatively, audio from the TikTok app itself can be used too.


TikTok’s sheer reach ensures that just about any video has the possibility of creating a lot of engagement. This is the case no matter the age of your account, the number of followers your account has and even if your past videos weren’t that popular. This unique algorithm means it’s much simpler for B2B brands to win on TikTok than on different social media avenues.


Making TikTok Work For Businesses


It’s already obvious that people love video content. With other major social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram influencing organic users and paid advertisers to create and share videos to take advantage of their algorithms, we can safely assume that video is here to stay. In fact, according to these platforms algorithms, video content is rewarded more than simple static images and gets shown to more followers.


For businesses with operations that lend themselves well to video, you have a great opportunity to create and share these processes on TikTok. The sky’s literally the limit and it pays to get creative! Possible video posts include:

  • Product usage instructions
  • Market and industry insights
  • Short interviews
  • Experts advice
  • Troubleshooting tips
  • Life hack
  • Plus just about anything else


By posting a variety of videos, your brand will be able to win new followers by its fresh content that puts a face to the business. The race is on top commercialise TikTok and doing a simple user search will turn up results with major and minor brands. Now is the time to jump on and get started!


We may not have convinced you yet, but we definitely recommend you go to TikTok’s Small Business Centre to get some ideas on how your business could benefit from this social media platform. You’ll also be able to find some really helpful tools and see some cool examples for your own TikTok marketing strategy.


TikTok B2B Marketing Strategy


With TikTok experiencing huge growth recently, this is one social space that business owners and professionals will ignore at their own peril. Using TikTok, it’s possible to connect with a broad range of consumers, from Gen Z and Gen X to older people. This moment in time represents a great opportunity for your brand to get on this platform as well. Like other social media, building a network and profitable relationships also takes time on TikTok. However, the rewards are waiting for those businesses that stick with it and build a loyal following.

The first step in any TikTok marketing strategy should be to search for some video creators and other businesses to connect and build relationships with on TikTok. You’ll need to follow them and view their videos as well as engage with the posts. We recommend writing comments too. When other companies notice your profile engaging with their videos, this increases the chances of them getting back to you. Once this connection is made, send them a message directly and start the relationship. We also recommend watching the times you’re mentioned as well because this can be an opportunity to contact another business that’s trying to connect on TikTok with your brand.


Contact Strategic Vision Today


If you’re keen to get started on marketing your B2B services on TikTok, please get in touch with the experts at Strategic Vision today. Our team has years of professional experience in the digital marketing space which we’ll apply to help your business succeed online.

To discuss your needs, please give us a call on 0402 947 412 or email info@strategicvision.com.au today!


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